Basil oil tones and refreshes. Helps increase mental activity, memory strength, concentration. It is also suitable for problems with the upper respiratory tract, angina, bronchitis, cough, loss of appetite, indigestion, nausea and vomiting. Nourishes and restores skin and hair, repels insects.
Usable part: leaves, flowering tips
Chemical composition: camphor, cyniol, estragol, eugenol, linenol, pinene, methylsalvikol, ocimen, etc.
Aroma: strong, pleasant, tart
Volatility: high
Application method: Externally
Inhalation: for colds, flu, bronchitis, sinusitis, appetite stimulant, improves digestion – 3 k. in 2 liters of boiling water for 10 minutes.
Gargar: for colds, sore throats, laryngitis, bronchitis – 2 k. basil 1 tsp warm water on emulsifier – soda, sugar, salt.
Cold inhalation for colds, flu, bronchitis – 3 k. basil on a disposable tissue – for 7-10 minutes.
Massage: in case of nervous weakness due to heavy loads, stress, insomnia, recovery after illness, in case of impaired metabolism – 50 ml of almond oil 20 k. basil.
Bath: recovering from illness, immunostimulating, purifying – 6-10 k. in a bath with a temperature of 28 ° -35 ° C for 10-15 minutes in the evening has a very relaxing and soporific effect. In case of mental tension, fatigue, intestinal colic, irregular and painful menstruation, muscle fever – 4 k. lemon, 3 k basil, 1 tbsp. orange or 1 tbsp. basil, 2 k. bergamot, 4 k. lavender, 3 k. orange, 1 k. ylang-ylang or 5 k. lavender, 3 k. juniper, 3 k. basil.
Face masks: 4 tbsp. water, 2 tbsp. clay, 1 tbsp. almond oil and 5 tbsp. basil or: 2 tbsp. yogurt, 1 tbsp. honey and 5 k. basil or: 1 egg yolk, 1 tbsp. almond oil, 2 tbsp. wheat germ and 5 k. basil.
Others: steam bath: 2 liters of boiling water with 8 k. basil. Drooling of the mouth, applications of the gums – for stomatitis, toothache, inflammation in the oral cavity – in a ratio of 1: 1 basil and base oil or for toothache – drooping of the mouth with a mixture of 1 cup of water with 1-2 k. basil. For colds – spread on and under the nose, under the jaws (10 times from the middle of the chin to the ears and back), over the trachea, bronchi, back with a mixture of 1 tbsp. almond oil and 3 tbsp. basil.
Attention! Highly concentrated! Keep it tightly closed and out of reach of children! Do not use daily.
Package: 5 ml
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