Usable part: the whole plant
Chemical composition: toyon, borniol, salviol, rinneol, pinene, camphor, etc.
Aroma: tingling, fresh, refreshing
Volatility: high
Clary Sage Essential Oil Salvia sclarea
Salvie oil acts soothing and relaxing in stress states, while acting energizing Regenerates and relieves skin irritations. Stimulates hair growth.
Application method: Externally
For a flavoring light: 4 k. sage, 2 k. bergamot and 1 k. orange or 4 k. sage and 4 k. lavender. To neutralize the strength of the aroma of sage, it is good to combine with rose, lavender, santal.
Inhalation: with mental and emotional loads – 3 k. sage per 2 liters of boiled water are inhaled 10 min.
Bath: 5-6 k. Sage oil at 28-35 ° C for 10 minutes – has a relaxing and restorative effect.
Foot bath: for very sweaty feet: 3 k. sage with 4 k. lavender.
Sauna: 2-3 к. in 500 ml of water; recommended combination with other essential oils: lavender, rose, sandalwood.
Massage: 50 ml almond oil with 10 k. s age – has a calming, relaxing effect on the body, supports healing processes. Foot and leg massage – under stress with a mixture of 30 ml of almond oil, 15 k. sage, 10 k. lemon, 5 k. lavender.
For cracked skin – spread with a mixture of 1 k. sage and 2 tbsp. Almond oil. Eye compress, tired eyelids: 1 k. sage in 1 tsp lukewarm water. Enricher for shampoos: per 10 ml of shampoo 3 k. sage – stimulates hair growth.
Attention! Highly concentrated! Keep it tightly closed and out of reach of children!
Package: 5 ml
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